
Everyone deserves a clean and safe environment in which to live. Businesses and governments now more than ever recognise the need to incorporate environmental concerns into their decision making. EEIG is a global leader in inventive technical and financial approaches, helping some of the world’s leading organisations and governments understand their impact on the natural world.

Site Evaluation and Restoration

Managing man and nature’s delicate balance is a vitally important yet complex task. We ensure that our clients’ sites are ecologically balanced and properly equipped for the long term.

Our natural environment is highly sensitive to the demands placed upon it. As the planet’s population grows, so too does the damage inflicted on the natural world. Be it in the form of a chemical spill in a reservoir or the need to increase freshwater supplies,  we have built a world class reputation for the evaluation and remediation of contaminated land, solving even the most complex environmental problems.

We have assisted clients, both public and private, to enhance the environmental performance of their sites, and we have an excellent track record in delivering some of the most innovative and successful remediation projects in the world.

Associated services:

  • Restoration Strategy
  • Site Investigation
  • Remedy Design
  • Remedy Implementation

Environmental Construction

The environmental restoration marketplace is maturing while at the same time facing more complex challenges with diminishing resources and higher expectations. With EEIG, you have a single point of programme delivery to manage your environmental construction and contracting requirements, freeing you to focus on your core business.

When a site becomes contaminated it can prove to be a significant problem for both those that own it and those who use it. Businesses are under increasing pressure to deal with these sites despite having limited resources, greater risk exposure and the potential reputational damage that such a project can bring.

From the removal of contaminated soil to the demolition of legacy buildings, EEIG’s proactive management approach provides the certainty you need for performance, schedule, cost and compliance. You can rely on us to transform surplus properties into value-added assets, optimise water and soil treatment systems, and cost effectively close sites. Through proven innovative delivery and contracting methods, we safely manage your large, complex and high-profile environmental construction projects to a fully compliant and assured outcome – while mitigating risk, reducing costs and maintaining your positive corporate image.

Strategic Environmental Consulting

Looking after our clients’ businesses and interests is at the core of everything we do. Through our Strategic Environment Consulting solutions we ensure that every aspect of our clients’ operations are fully environmentally compliant and sustainable.

For any organisation, operating its facilities and overall business can come with numerous safety hazards and environmental risks. What is more, managing this process can be a very complex undertaking. Taking control of these and minimising their impact can be a big positive for a business’ profits and reputation.

We combine our world class technical resources with management consulting expertise to offer our clients practical solutions to better manage their risk exposure and make sure accidents and incidents are kept to an absolute minimum.

Associated services:

  • Due Diligence
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Environmental and Safety Auditing
  • Industrial Safety & Process Risk Management
  • Strategic Consulting

Tunneling & Underground Infrastructure

What functions under a city is just as important to a city as that which lies above ground. We ensure that every aspect of the subterranean environment is ready for the demands of tomorrow.

Underneath a city’s streets lies a labyrinth of pipelines, drains and tunnels. Ensuring these are fit for purpose by effectively maintaining and replacing points in the system is vital to both protecting public health and ensuring the city can run as efficiently as possible.

EEIG and its partners help our clients to balance the operational, technical, regulatory, and financial issues that often arise to create more efficient and better run water distribution, wastewater collection and stormwater conveyance systems.

Environmental Planning

Understanding the impact that development work has on the environment is critical when undertaking a construction project or programme. We help our clients determine precisely what effect their operations will have on the natural environment.

When undertaking a large capital investment project, such as an infrastructure upgrade or a commercial development, it is crucial that businesses properly assess and understand the full environmental and social impact of their plans, in addition to meeting local regulatory requirements. In an increasingly environmentally-aware world, these factors need to be set in a long-term context.

Our environmental planning experts work proactively with clients across the globe and help them understand the impact of their proposals. Our input helps our clients to make robust investment decisions, and ensures that all necessary environmental and social licenses are received in order to realise their goals.

Associated services:

  • Corporate ESHIA
  • Regulatory EIA
  • Mitigation & Monitoring

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding Environment Infrastructure, please contact us using the form below.